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overline Draw a line above data with a text above it
Call signature:

overline(xx, yy, txt=None, datadist=None, textdist=None, minlen=None)

Help text:

overline(xx, y, text), where xx is a 2-vector and y a scalar, draws a horizontal line just above (xx(1), y) to (xx(2), y) and places the given text over it.
overline(xx, yy, text), where both xx and yy are 2-vectors, draws the line just above the larger yy value and extends a vertical line down to the smaller yy value.
The whole thing is displaced by a distance overlinedist from the data, and the text placement uses the absolute value of textdist.
If overlinemin is non-zero, a vertical line is drawn on both ends.
The text argument may be omitted.
Optional arguments datadist, textdist, and minlen override global settings.


import qplot as qp

import numpy as np

qp.figure('overline', 3, 3)

xx = [1, 2]

yy = np.array([3, 4])

dy = np.array([.5, .75])

qp.bars(xx, yy, .5)

qp.errorbar(xx, yy, dy)

qp.overline(xx, np.max(yy+dy), '*')

xx = [3.5, 4.5]

qp.bars(xx, yy, .5)

qp.errorbar(xx, yy, dy)

qp.overline(xx, yy+dy, '+')

QPlot Documentation — (C) Daniel Wagenaar, 2014–2023