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errorbar Draw error bars
Call signature:

errorbar(xx, yy, dy, w=None, dir='both')

Help text:

errorbar(xx, yy, dy) plots error bars at (xx, yy ± dy).
Normally, xx, yy, and dy have the same shape. However, it is permissible for dy to be shaped Nx2, or for dy to be a 2-tuple, in which case lower and upper error bounds are different. (dy should always be positive).
errorbar(xx, yy, dy, w) adorns the error bars with horizontal lines of given width (w in points).
errorbar(..., 'up') only plots upward; errorbar(..., 'down') only plots downward.
See also errorpatch and herrorbar


import qplot as qp

import numpy as np

qp.figure('errorbar', 3, 3)

tt = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 10)

qp.marker('o', fill='solid')

qp.mark(tt, np.sin(tt))

qp.errorbar(tt, np.sin(tt), .2*np.cos(tt)+.3, 5)

qp.marker('o', fill='solid')

qp.mark(tt, 2+np.sin(tt-1))

qp.errorbar(tt, 2+np.sin(tt-1), (.3+0*tt, .2*np.cos(tt)+.3))

QPlot Documentation — (C) Daniel Wagenaar, 2014–2023