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qcolorbar Adds a colorbar to the figure
Help text:

qcolorbar(xywh, lut) represents the lut at location xywh.
qcolorbar(xywh, lut, tickvals) adds ticks. The first and last labels go at the ends of the colorbar.
qcolorbar(xywh, lut, endvals, tickvals), where endvals is a two-element vector explicitly specifies the values at the ends of the colorbar.
qcolorbar(..., ticklabels) specifies the text of the labels.
qcolorbar(..., caption) adds a caption.
If lut is given as [], qlut is used to query the figure.

This command is deprecated. Use qcbar and qcaxis instead.

QPlot Documentation — (C) Daniel Wagenaar, 2014–2019