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qcbar Add a vertical color bar to a figure
Help text:

qcbar(w, h) adds a vertical color bar of given width and height (in points) at the position specified by qat. h may be positive or negative. In either case, the color scale runs from bottom to top.
qcbar(w, h, 'd') makes the color scale run down.
qcbar(w, h, dx, dy) or qcbar(w, h, dx, dy, 'd') shifts the bar by the given number of points to the right and down.
qcbar(w, [], h) or qcbar(w,[], dx, dy, h) specifies the height in data coordinates instead. In this case, the color scale runs up (down) if h is positive (negative).
This command only works after a previous qimsc.
qvcbar and qhcbar offer the same functionality with an easier interface.
See also qcaxis.


qfigure('qcbar', 3, 3);

xx = repmat([1:10], 10, 1);

yy = xx';

zz = cos(xx).*sin(yy);

qimsc([0 0 1 1], zz, -1, 1);

qat 1 1

qcbar(10, 2.5*72, 10, 10);

qcaxis([-1:1:1], {'negv', '0', 'posv'});


QPlot Documentation — (C) Daniel Wagenaar, 2014–2019