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qtext Render text
Help text:

qtext(text) renders text at the current anchor point.
qtext(dx, dy, text) renders text displaced by the given number of points.


qfigure('qtext', 3, 3);

qfont Helvetica 15

qalign base left

qat 0 1

qylim 0 1.5

qxlim -.5 1

qtext 0 0 sin(/x/) = (e^/ix/ ~– e^–/ix/ ) / 2

qtext 0 30 l’Hôpital

qtext 0 60 *F* = /m/ *a*

qtext 0 90 a^x~+~y ~ 2^3^5 b

% Current syntax doesn't allow for continuation of nested superscripts,

% but some cases have solutions:

qtext 0 120 e^–½ (/x/ ²~+~/y/ ²)

% Note the unicode thin spaces in the last example.


QPlot Documentation — (C) Daniel Wagenaar, 2014–2019