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qpanel Define a new subpanel or reenter a previous one
Help text:

qpanel(id, x, y, w, h) or qpanel(id, xywh) defines a new panel.
qpanel(id) revisits a previously defined panel. id must be a single capital or a dash ('-') to revert to the top level.
Coordinates are in points from top left.
See also qsubplot.


qfigure('qpanel', 3, 3);


qplot(xx, sin(xx));

qshrink 1

qpen dash

qbrush 777

qpanel('B', [2.1 2.3 .9 .7]*72);

qpen solid

qplot(xx, cos(xx));

qshrink 5

QPlot Documentation — (C) Daniel Wagenaar, 2014–2019