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qmlegend Render legend element for marks
Help text:

qmlegend(str) renders a sample of the most recently rendered mark at the location set by qlegopt and writes the given string next to it.
qmlegend without a string renders the most recently used mark over a previously rendered (line) legend.
See also qlegend and qplegend.


qfigure('qmlegend', 3, 3);

qlegopt('x', 5, 'y', 5, 'dx', 10, 'width', 5);

qpen b

qmarker x

qmark(randn(50,1), randn(50,1));

qmlegend('1 x 1');

qpen r

qmarker +

qmark(randn(50,1)/2, randn(50,1)*2);

qmlegend('0.5 x 2');

qpen 080

qbrush none

qmarker o brush

qmark(randn(50,1)*2, randn(50,1)/2);

qmlegend('2 x 0.5');

qshrink(1, 1);

QPlot Documentation — (C) Daniel Wagenaar, 2014–2019