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qerrorpatch Draw error patch
Help text:

qerrorpatch(xx, yy, dy) plots an error patch at (xx,yy+-dy).
Normally, xx, yy, and dy have the same shape. However, it is permissible for dy to be shaped Nx2, in which case lower and upper error bounds are different.
qerrorpatch(..., 'up') only plots upward; qerrorpatch(..., 'down') only plots downward.


qfigure('qerrorpatch', 3, 3);

tt = [-pi:.1:pi]';

qbrush 555

qpen none

qerrorpatch(tt, sin(tt), .2*cos(tt)+.3);

qpen k 1

qplot(tt, sin(tt))

QPlot Documentation — (C) Daniel Wagenaar, 2014–2019