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qdarrow Draw an arrowhead
Help text:

qdarrow(x, y, ang) draws an arrow head pointing to (x,y) in the direction ang. ang may be given in radians in paper (0: pointing right, pi/2: pointing down), or as a (DX,DY) pair of data coordinates.
qdarrow(x, y, ang, l, w) specifies length and (full) width of the arrow
head. These are specified in points, and default to l=8, w=5.
qdarrow(x, y, ang, l, w, dist) specifies that the arrow is to be retracted a given distance from the point (x, y).
qdarrow(x, y, ang, l, w, dist, dimple) specifies that the back of the arrow head is indented by dimple points.


qfigure('qdarrow', 3, 3);

tt = [0:.1:4*pi];

xx = sin(tt/2);

yy = sin(tt);

qpen 666

qplot(xx, yy);

qbrush k

qpen k

for n=5:10:length(xx)

    qdarrow(xx(n), yy(n), [xx(n)-xx(n-1), yy(n)-yy(n-1)]);


QPlot Documentation — (C) Daniel Wagenaar, 2014–2019