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qcbarh Add a horizontal color bar to a figure
Help text:

qcbarh(w, h) adds a horizontal color bar of given width and height (in points) at the position specified by qat. w may be positive or negative. In either case, the color scale runs from left to right.
qcbarh(w, h, 'l') makes the color scale run right-to-left.
qcbarh(w, h, dx, dy) or qcbarh(w, h, dx, dy, 'l') shifts the bar by the given number of points to the right and down.
qcbarh(w, [], dw) or qcbarh(w,[], dx, dy, dw) specifies the width in data coordinates instead. In this case, the color scale runs l->r (r->l) if dw is positive (negative).
This command only works after a previous qimsc.
qvcbar and qhcbar offer the same functionality with an easier interface.
See also qcaxis.


qfigure('qcbarh', 3, 3);

xx = repmat([1:10], 10, 1);

yy = xx';

zz = cos(xx).*sin(yy);

qimsc([0 0 1 1], zz, -1, 1);

qat 0 0

qcbarh(2.5*72, 10, 5, 5);

qcaxis([-1:1:1], {'negv', '0', 'posv'});


QPlot Documentation — (C) Daniel Wagenaar, 2014–2019