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qcbard Adds a colorbar to the figure
Help text:

qcbard(xywh) represents the current LUT at location xywh, specified in data coordinates.
qcbard(xywh, vh) draws a colorbar in a nonstandard direction:
     vh = 'h' or 'r' draws a left-to-right colorbar,
     vh = 'l' draws a right-to-left colorbar,
     vh = 'd' draws a top-to-bottom colorbar,
     vh = 'v' or 'u' draws a bottom-to-top colorbar (default).
See also qvcbar and qhcbar, which are easier to use.


qfigure('qcbard', 3, 3);

xx = repmat([1:10], 10, 1);

yy = xx';

zz = cos(xx).*sin(yy);

qimsc([0 0 1 1], zz, -1, 1);

qcbard([1.1 0 .1 1]);

qcaxis([-1:1:1], {'negv', '0', 'posv'});

qcbard([0 1.1 1 .1],'h');

qcaxis([-1:1:1], {'negv', '0', 'posv'});


QPlot Documentation — (C) Daniel Wagenaar, 2014–2019